“Creating a safer Working Environment”
SteelCo have worked with Perspex Fabrication for many years within the sign industry & as such have a wealth of experience in this field as well as a fully equipped manufacturing facility.
With the recent Coronavirus Pandemic we have adapted our regular production process & SteelCo are now producing Clear Perspex Protective Screens for UK businesses Nationwide to assist in the effort to combat the Coronavirus (Covid 19). Our screens are significantly contributing to social distancing measures thus keeping operators & customers as safe as possible in workplace environments providing a barrier to block airborne particles.
Our Sneeze Screen Guards have been typically used in the following businesses:
Shops | Chemists | Office Protective Screen | Pharmacies | Veterinary Practices | Reception Areas | Till Points | GP surgeries | Convenience Stores | Accountancy Firms | Food Outlets | Coffee Shops and many other client-facing environments.
Our screens are manufactured using optically clear Premium Acrylic & CNC cut to shape with rounded edges. They are appealing to the eye & are frameless other than the Acrylic base.
The clear screens can also feature additional social distancing reminder messages as required.